September 2024 Social Media Holidays & Observances

Jack DeYoungSocial, Strategy

September 2024 Social Media Holidays & Observances

September has arrived which means fall is just around the corner! As you prepare to be inundated with football season, pumpkin spiced everything and an absurd overuse of the burnt orange color in advertising, your business has plenty of social media holidays in September to celebrate. As with all of these blogs, we’ve not only compiled a list of September social media holidays for brands and businesses, we’ve also included helpful context, links and hashtags because at Nuera Marketing, we like giving 100% to an idea even if certain people (points at self) wildly underestimated how long each one would take to complete!

Without further ado or my 48th Red Bull of the day, here’s your September social media calendar for brands and businesses to make your social posts relevant and timely as the seasons change!

Monthly Social Media Observances in September

National Chicken Month
Everyone knows the social media manager crossed the road to post about the majesty of the chicken during the month of September. If you have a restaurant that prominently features chicken then this is the month to offer discounts and to introduce new chicken-centric menu items. To not do so would be a misstep most…fowl? We’ll see ourselves out. #NationalChickenMonth

Disaster Preparedness Month
Here in the South, hurricanes are a pretty big deal in the month of September. This month is perfect for law firms, insurance companies, or anyone who provides household services like roofing, fencing, etc to post lists of how to best be prepared during a disaster. Here’s a great resource you can use from! #DisasterPreparednessMonth

Self Improvement Month
Nobody’s perfect and we can all do everything we can to try to get a little bit better each day. If your business is involved with physical or mental fitness then this is the month for you to share self-improvement tips like this one from National American University. #SelfImprovementMonth

National Organic Month
This month celebrates healthy, organic food which means anyone who owns a restaurant, farm, or works in the food service industry has ample opportunity to talk about the origins of their food and their commitment to maintaining a healthy menu! #NationalOrganicMonth

Suicide Prevention Month
This one also applies to the mental health field but can also apply to any business within the medical space. It’s important not to cast judgment or editorialize in a post about this month and instead should be used as an opportunity to provide resources for people considering ending their own lives. Here’s an example of a list of hotlines people can call that you could share. #SuicidePreventionMonth

Pain Awareness Month
This month was started to raise awareness of generalized pain that so many people experience within a given day. While an obvious example would be for a medical professional to offer general pain mitigation tips, this can also be an opportunity for medical supply companies to extol the virtues of some of their products. It is important that posts on the subject be couched in sympathy rather than sales-oriented because there’s a fine line between helpful and opportunistic. #PainAwarenessMonth

September 2024 Social Media Holidays

SEP 01

American Chess Day
Time to indulge your inner Magnus Carlsen (even though he’s Norwegian) and celebrate the game of chess! If you have a chess board in your office then consider posting a reel or photo of a particularly heated game between employees to celebrate your office culture! #AmericanChessDay

SEP 02

Labor Day
If your business is closed on Labor Day then be sure to alert people to that fact beforehand. Either way, this day gives you an opportunity to celebrate the members of your team who help your business find success! #LaborDay

SEP 03

Telephone Tuesday
The day after Labor Day usually finds businesses’ phones tied up with callers who couldn’t get through over the long weekend. Today would be a great day to take a photo of whoever works your phones to let people know you’re back open with service as usual while also celebrating the hard work of a team member who probably has a long day ahead of them! It was this or celebrating US Bowling League Day and while we hesitated to strike (zing!) down such an esteemed sport, we thought #TelephoneTuesday was the way to go.

SEP 04

Global Talent Acquisition Day
HR employees are some of the most unheralded in the workforce but they get their own day today! You can use this day to not only celebrate the contributions of your HR department but also to remind people of any job openings you might have on your team! #GlobalTalentAcquisitionDay

SEP 05

International Day of Charity
Does your business support charities? Today is not the day to pat yourself on the back for your contributions but to raise awareness of what those charities do to help the world. #InternationalDayofCharity

National Cheese Pizza Day
I was admittedly a little surprised there was only one day dedicated to the cheese pizza because I celebrate it 365 days a year. My body is like 80% cheese pizza which in hindsight is a pretty disgusting visual but it’s too late to turn back now. In all seriousness, pizza parlors and restaurants need to make this a big day and offer huge discounts on the indescribably delicious cheese pizza! As an aside, who is the impish prankster that decided to also make August 5th National Cellulite Day? I kid you not. #NationalCheesePizzaDay

SEP 06

National 401(k) Day
This is a day for financial advisors like our clients at Riverplace Capital to educate people on the benefits of a 401(k) plan and how it helps contribute to their plans for the future! #National401KDay

National Read A Book Day
While this is an obvious day for booksellers across the world, other businesses can use it to humanize their team by showing off some of their favorite books. For example, I happened to recently enjoy the book The Winner by Teddy Wayne. Look at me now… humanized at last! #NationalReadABookDay

SEP 07

International Bacon Day
People are serious about their bacon but that doesn’t mean you have to be on your social media posts today. There are a ton of great bacon memes you can pull from here and be sure to highlight any innovative bacon-centric menu items if you own a restaurant! #InternationalBaconDay

International Day of Clean Air
The effects of smog and air contaminants can have lasting impacts on a person’s health so if you offer any services or products that help clean air then today is the day to post about it. We’ll definitely be posting about this day for our clients at Ocean State AC & Heating because they offer specials on amazing products like the Aerus Air Scrubber! #InternationalDayofCleanAir

National Beer Lovers Day
Far be it from us to suggest that the wafting smell of an IPA dilute the pristine air of the International Day of Clean Air but today is also a day for the beer lovers of the world. This day is also on a Saturday this year so bars and restaurants can have a guilt-free celebration from open to close with specials and promotions! We’d be remiss if we didn’t evoke the inevitable advice of the world’s foremost practitioner of the emoji, Nuera president Joe Sampson, and say that you should use this emoji:🍺. #NationalBeerLoversDay

SEP 08

Grandparents Day
Break out the hard candies and knitted scarves because it’s Grandparents Day! Grandparents are often beloved for all that they do and your business should celebrate them with either discounts on products for grandparents or by sharing photos of team members with their own grandparents/grandchildren! #GrandparentsDay

World Physical Therapy Day
Does your practice offer physical therapy services? If so, today is the day to explain why you’ve got the best staff and systems in place to help your patients heal! You can also consider sharing a list of physical therapy exercises folks can do at home like this one from UT Health Austin. #WorldPhysicalTherapyDay

SEP 09

International Box Wine Day
Finally, we’re classing up this calendar with International Box Wine Day. Who needs bottles and their impossible to finagle corks when all you need to do is grab a box, punch some cardboard, and pour away? In all seriousness, box wine is particularly popular as a more mobile-friendly wine and it could provide wine stores a good opportunity to poke fun at the reputation of wine drinkers as snobs that was cultivated in the movie Sideways. #InternationalBoxWineDay

SEP 10

World Suicide Prevention Day
This is a day for mental health professionals to provide resources for those truly suffering. You can find more information and resources here. #WorldSuicidePreventionDay

SEP 11

Anniversary of September 11th, 2001
It’s probably best to go dark on your social feeds this day unless you want to post about the events of September 11th, 2001 with a caption like #NeverForget.

SEP 12

National Day of Encouragement
The previous two days have been incredibly sad so use your social media feeds to cheer up your audience by offering them encouragement. The world is your oyster here so just be encouraging, kind, and affect a positive tone throughout your post. #NationalDayofEncouragement

National Video Game Day
What a glorious day this is and if you happen to sell video games then consider offering discounts, demos, and more promotions to really bring people into your store. Our clients at Davis Law Firm have three arcade games in their lobby so we always make it a point to show them off today so people can see their amazing office space! #NationalVideoGameDay

SEP 13

International Chocolate Day
There’s no need to be anonymous today if you’re a chocoholic! If you have anything with chocolate on your menu then consider giving away free samples and offering discounts today! #InternationalChocolateDay

Stand Up To Cancer Day
Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer and today is the day for your business and team to show that you’re ready to stand up to this dreaded disease. This is actually an official day and cause and you can find ways to help stand up to cancer (and encourage your audience to do so as well) here. #StandUpToCancer

SEP 14

National Coloring Day
The world is full of vibrant colors and if you sell art supplies then today is the day to bring those colors to life with sales and discounts. Also, if you have any artwork around your office that you’re particularly proud of then today is the day to show it off on social media! #NationalColoringDay

SEP 15

Wife Appreciation Day
Pro tip to all the spouses out there: buy your wife something special today not because it’s Wife Appreciation Day but “because every day should be Wife Appreciation Day.” It’s a winning line and will go over like gangbusters especially after you got a sweet deal you saw on social media from a business offering discounts on things your wife would like! #WifeAppreciationDay

National Online Learning Day
This is a big day for our clients at Schultz because they offer a bevy of online courses for Florida educators. If you offer any learning opportunities online then offer a discount today and ensure you’re highlighting your core offerings. #NationalOnlineLearningDay

SEP 16

National Tattoo Story Day
This isn’t just a day for tattoo parlors to highlight some of their best art as any business can feature photos of their employees’ tats with an accompanying story. It makes for really interesting content that will likely result in a lot of engagements and comments! #NationalTattooStoryDay

SEP 17

World Patient Safety Day
Having to undergo any kind of medical procedure is a scary proposition so medical professionals should use today to remind their audience of the lengths they go to protect patient safety. The inverse of that would be a law firm reminding patients that they have rights in the face of potential medical malpractice. Here’s more information about the day that you can use to inform your post. #WorldPatientSafetyDay

SEP 18

U.S. Air Force Day
Today marks the anniversary of the founding of the United States Air Force. If you had any employees that served their country in the Air Force then today is the day to show your appreciation for their sacrifice. #USAirForceDay

National Cheeseburger Day
Cheeseburgers are a serious business and if you’ve got a particularly tasty burger on the menu then it should be front and center on your social media feed! #NationalCheeseburgerDay

Global Company Culture Day
What makes your company culture stand out against the beige monotony provided by your competitors? Show it off on social and share it with a tone that’s both fun and welcoming! #GlobalCompanyCultureDay

SEP 19

Talk Like a Pirate Day
I always thought this day was a myth designed to illustrate the ridiculousness of some of these social media holidays. As with so very many things, I was wrong. As far as brands and businesses are concerned, our best advice on this day can be summarized in one word: don’t. Also, this day somehow has a spinoff holiday called Meow Like a Pirate Day? I think we can all agree that this is the Joey (starring TV’s Matt Leblanc!) of social media holidays. Look ok, if you insist on posting about this day then make sure it’s germane to your business and at least half-heartedly clever. Toss in the obligatory “argh” once in a while and maybe include an eye patch but let’s not go full Jack Sparrow here. #TalkLikeAPirateDay

SEP 20

National Concussion Awareness Day
I got a concussion when I was 10 after a particularly heated game of soccer and I forgot my name for three days. I wish I’d known about this day (my birthday coincidentally) and resources like this to help me make sense of it then–so medical professionals can use this opportunity to educate the audience now! #ConcussionAwarenessDay

SEP 21

World Gratitude Day
There’s so much negativity on social media that today represents a great opportunity for your business to share the things that make you grateful. This can be anything from a particularly great customer/client testimonial or a post about your amazing team! #WorldGratitudeDay

National Singles Day
While it’s a solid movie, this is not dedicated to the 1993 Cameron Crowe film Singles. This is a day to celebrate the unattached and businesses can do that by offering “treat yourself” discounts on products! #NationalSinglesDay

World Alzheimer’s Day
Alzheimer’s is a devastating diagnosis for families and this day was created to spread awareness. If you work in neurology then consider sharing helpful information like this resource from World Alzheimer’s Day. If you don’t work in a field relevant to Alzheimer’s then consider posting a photo of your team in purple to show your support. #WorldAlzheimersDay

SEP 22

First Day of Autumn
Summer is finally over and you can use today to celebrate everything you love about the first day of fall! That’s right, it’s decorative gourd season, friends! You’re welcome for that. #FirstDayofFall

SEP 23

National Family Day
There’s nothing more important than family and businesses can use today to share info about their family-owned business, their appreciation for the families that are their customers, or offer family-related discounts and promotions today! #NationalFamilyDay

SEP 24

National Register to Vote Day
Remember when P. Diddy pioneered the Vote or Die campaign? Yeah, that aged well. Anyway, this is a good day for businesses to promote the civic engagement of their employees if anyone registers to vote but be careful not to weigh into any kind of partisanship in your post because you risk alienating your audience. It’s also helpful to include a list of voter registration guidelines like this one so that others can register as well. #RegisterToVote

SEP 25

National Daughters Day
Encourage your employees to share photos of themselves with their daughters and then share them on your own social media feed! #NationalDaughtersDay

National Cooking Day
National Cooking Day is a great opportunity to appeal to chefs across your audience by offering advice, recipes, and behind-the-scenes content of your team preparing a meal! #NationalCookingDay

Call Your Mother Day
This isn’t actually an official day but I’m including it here because it’s good advice any day of the year. Just give your mom a call even if it’s to say hello because they’ll appreciate the gesture. #CallYourMother

SEP 26

National Pancake Day
Consider the pancake… it’s fluffy, it’s filling and it’s oh-so delicious. Don’t let IHOP have a monopoly on this day and offer your own free pancakes! #NationalPancakeDay

World Maritime Day
This is a day to celebrate all the seafarers out there. If your business is involved with the ocean in any way then use this as an opportunity to highlight the hard workers on your team and take people behind the scenes of your operation. Here’s a great list of ways to observe the day! #WorldMaritimeDay

SEP 27

World Tourism Day
Is your business a destination for travelers? Offer discounts galore today to spread awareness and encourage more of a global reach! #WorldTourismDay

SEP 28

National Neighbor Day
Businesses can use this day to pay it forward to some of their neighboring businesses by promoting what it is they do. This will not only engender goodwill but will also tacitly remind your own audience where you’re located. #NationalNeighborDay

SEP 29

National Coffee Day
If you’re like me then your day doesn’t truly get started until you’ve had that first cup of coffee. Coffee shops should absolutely use this day to offer promotions, discounts, and giveaways throughout the day! #NationalCoffeeDay

World Heart Day
This day was started to increase awareness of the dangers of cardiovascular disease. People will always enjoy sharing content that makes them healthier and you can find numerous resources from the World Heart Organization here. #WorldHeartDay

SEP 30

International Podcast Day
People love themselves a podcast and businesses can use today to help people get to know their employees by sharing your team’s favorite podcasts! #InternationalPodcastDay