How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

Grant NielsenStrategy, Web Design

How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

There are few prouder moments for an organization than the launch of a new website design. It can take months or even years to complete the process and comes with a huge sigh of relief once it’s finally live. But before the new site is even indexed in Google, an … Read More

To Niche or Not to Niche?

Hailey DolanBranding, Strategy

One of my core characteristics, which came as a direct result of my public education experience, is being well-rounded. In school, it wasn’t enough to have the best grades. If I wanted to be accepted by a university, I had to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities — to … Read More

How to Plan Visual Content Production for Website Design

Grant NielsenStrategy, Web Design

How to Plan Visual Content Production for Website Design

Whether it’s “wow-factor,” “POP,” or simply selling your customers’ desired future state, the creation of stunning visual imagery lies at the heart of any website design. As a marketing agency with a strong creative and web department, our mission is to convey a narrative that helps our clients declare at … Read More